Adult Take & Make: Seed Kit

Photo by Lara Jameson on

An easy idea for a spring time Take & Make is an indoor flower seed kit.

I selected types of flowers that could be started indoors. We provided peat cells, soil, and the seeds.

This idea would also work well for starting an herb garden.

Adult Take & Make: Paper Wheels

Berryville Public Library offers an Adult Take & Make program. We provide a set number of kits on the 3rd Monday of each month. This is one our most popular programs. A free kit to complete at your leisure!

The goal is to give patrons an opportunity to try something new. We provide the supplies that a maker might not readily have on hand but assume that they’d have access to some of the more basic supplies.

It can be challenging to come up with ideas month after month. I’m always looking for inspiration. Whether that be on Pinterest, magazines, or just something I’m personally interested in.

I want to share some of our past Take & Makes as another resource for fellow librarians. (And anyone looking for bulk affordable making kit ideas!)